§ 6.00.00. General provisions.
§ 6.00.01. Purpose.
§ 6.00.02. Responsibility for improvements.
§ 6.00.03. Principles of development design.
§ 6.00.04. Regulations.
§ 6.00.05. Environmental permits.
§ 6.00.06. Commercial and multi-family projects.
§ 6.00.07. Split zoned lots.
§ 6.00.08. Double frontage lots/reverse frontage lots.
§ 6.00.09. Erosion control plan.
§ 6.01.00. Subdivisions.
§ 6.01.01. Applicability.
§ 6.01.02. Prohibition.
§ 6.01.03. Procedure for subdivision of land.
§ 6.01.031. Subdivisions requiring a plat.
§ 6.01.0311. Conceptual master plan.
§ 6.01.0312. Preliminary plats.
§ 6.01.0313. Final plats.
§ 6.01.04. Design standards.
§ 6.01.05. Installation of physical improvements.
§ 6.01.051. Acceptance of water and sewer improvements.
§ 6.01.052. Minimum requirements for the installation of improvements.
§ 6.01.053. Acceptance.
§ 6.01.054. Maintenance.
§ 6.01.06. Fees.
§ 6.01.07. Exceptions.
§ 6.01.08. Reversion of subdivided land to acreage.
§ 6.01.09. Variances.
§ 6.02.00. Construction standards.
§ 6.02.01. Construction codes.
§ 6.02.02. Energy efficiency code.
§ 6.02.03. Residential floor level.
§ 6.02.04. Discoloring materials prohibition.
§ 6.02.05. Water conservation.
§ 6.02.06. Right of entry.
§ 6.02.07. Inspections.
§ 6.02.08. Requirements not covered by Code.
§ 6.02.09. Violations and enforcement.
§ 6.02.10. Appeals.
§ 6.02.11. Boards.
§ 6.02.12. Cross connection control (backflow prevention).
§ 6.02.13. Mobile homes.
§ 6.02.14. Manufactured or modular homes or buildings.
§ 6.03.00. Roads.
§ 6.03.01. Jurisdiction.
§ 6.03.02. Level of service.
§ 6.03.03. Classification.
§ 6.03.04. Connection of a street or driveway to a public roadway/right-of-way.
§ 6.03.05. Connection of a street or driveway to a private roadway/right-of-way.
§ 6.03.06. Private streets and easements.
§ 6.03.07. Road construction.
§ 6.03.08. Permits on state roads.
§ 6.03.09. Limited access roads.
§ 6.03.10. Variances.
§ 6.03.11. Permits required.
§ 6.03.12. Permit fees.
§ 6.03.13. Violations.
§ 6.03.14. Road and street design standards.
§ 6.03.15. Clear visibility triangle.
§ 6.04.00. Parking requirements.
§ 6.04.01. General provisions.
§ 6.04.02. Parking requirements for specific uses.
§ 6.04.03. Commercially zoned districts (C-1, C-2, C-3).
§ 6.04.04. Off-street loading.
§ 6.04.05. Handicapped parking.
§ 6.04.051. Handicapped parking spaces.
§ 6.04.06. Parking lots.
§ 6.05.00. Landscaping.
§ 6.05.01. Applicability.
§ 6.05.011. Exemptions.
§ 6.05.02. Landscape area requirements.
§ 6.05.021. Perimeter requirements.
§ 6.05.022. Parking lot landscaping.
§ 6.05.03. Protected trees.
§ 6.05.031. Tree credits.
§ 6.05.032. Relocation, removal, and replacement of protected trees.
§ 6.05.321. Native tree replacement fund.
§ 6.05.033. Protected tree list.
§ 6.05.04. Plant material standards.
§ 6.05.05. Site preparation standards.
§ 6.05.06. Landscape plan.
§ 6.05.07. Compatibility screening and buffering.
§ 6.05.071. Between residential, non-residential districts and incompatible uses.
§ 6.05.072. Open storage and open structures.
§ 6.05.073. Location of screening.
§ 6.05.074. Screening specifications.
§ 6.05.08. Maintenance, preservation and use standards.
§ 6.05.09. Percolation ponds.
§ 6.05.10. Variances.
§ 6.05.11. Temporary waiver.
§ 6.05.12. Enforcement.
§ 6.05.13. Tree removal.
§ 6.06.00. Stormwater management.
§ 6.06.01. Concurrency management system.
§ 6.06.02. Applicability.
§ 6.06.03. Contents of the stormwater management plan.
§ 6.06.04. Stormwater management facility performance objectives.
§ 6.06.05. Stormwater quantity criteria.
§ 6.06.06. Stormwater quality criteria.
§ 6.06.07. Regional stormwater management facilities.
§ 6.06.08. Erosion and sediment control.
§ 6.06.09. Protection of natural watercourses.
§ 6.06.10. Minimum design standards.
§ 6.06.101. Retention and detention facility design features.
§ 6.06.102. Open channels.
§ 6.06.103. Cross drains.
§ 6.06.104. Storm drains.
§ 6.06.105. Side drains (driveway culverts).
§ 6.06.106. Other drainage structures.
§ 6.06.11. Tailwater.
§ 6.06.12. Procedures and fees.
§ 6.06.13. Maintenance.
§ 6.06.14. Enforcement.
§ 6.06.15. Emergency exemption.
§ 6.06.16. Inspection and construction of improvements.
§ 6.07.00. Recreation facilities.
§ 6.07.01. Applicability.
§ 6.07.02. Exemptions.
§ 6.07.03. Land requirements.
§ 6.07.04. Payment in lieu of land.
§ 6.07.05. Land dedication options.
§ 6.07.06. Payment in lieu of constructing recreational facilities.
§ 6.07.07. Fee districts.
§ 6.07.08. Credits for donations.
§ 6.07.09. Payment.
§ 6.07.10. Required facilities.
§ 6.07.11. Design standards.
§ 6.07.12. Review.
§ 6.08.00. Temporary use permits.
§ 6.08.01. General.
§ 6.08.011. Sale of seafood from vehicles or trailers.
§ 6.08.02. Temporary construction and development permits.
§ 6.09.00. Public transit facilities.
§ 6.09.01. Developments located on transit routes.
§ 6.09.02. Developments of 50 or greater multi-family residential units.
§ 6.09.03. Non-residential developments or single- or multi-tenant office buildings of less than 50,000 square feet.
§ 6.09.04. Non-residential developments of 50,000 to 200,000 square feet.
§ 6.09.05. Non-residential developments greater than 200,000 square feet.