§ 6.02.06. Right of entry.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    The building official or an authorized representative bearing proper credentials and identification shall be admitted with permission from proper authorities to all properties for the purpose of determining compliance with this ordinance. The procurement of a building permit shall constitute permission for inspection of those areas under construction during reasonable working hours.


    When entering a building, structure or premise that is occupied, the building official shall first identify himself, present proper credentials and request entry. If the building, structure or premise is unoccupied, he shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge of the building and request entry. If entry is refused, the building official or an authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.


    Interference with a building official or an authorized representative in the legal performance of his duties pursuant to this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided by Section 125.69, Florida Statutes.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)