§ 6.05.074. Screening specifications.  

Latest version.
  • Screening may be in the form of natural plantings, planted berms, walls, and/or fences. Screening shall be encouraged, however, in the form of natural plantings. Existing plantings may be used in whole or in part to satisfy the requirements of this section. Screenings in the form of a planted berm, wall or fences may be used provided that such structures comply with all other applicable sections of this chapter.


    Natural plantings: Where natural plantings are used, a buffer strip in accordance with Table 1 shall be planted. This area shall be free of all encroachment by structure, parking areas or other impervious surfaces. The amount and type of buffer materials to be planted per 100 linear feet shall be as indicated herein. The use of plant materials other than trees and shrubs shall not be permitted unless approved by the county.

    Office and
    Business Industrial Multi-Family Residential Single-Family Detached Residential Single-Family Attached Residential
    Residential Zones*
    Single-Family Detached Residential Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 3 N/A N/A
    Single-Family Attached Residential Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 2 N/A N/A
    Multi-Family Residential Level 1 Level 1 Level 3 N/A Level 3 Level 2
    Residential Uses**
    Single-Family Detached Residential Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 2 N/A N/A
    Single-Family Attached Residential Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 N/A N/A
    Multi-Family Residential Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 N/A Level 3 Level 2


    * Level of required screening between a residential zone and a non-residential zone.

    ** Level of required screening between a single-family residential use and a non-residential use.


    Buffer level options:

    BUFFER Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
    Plantings 8' wide 12' wide 22' wide 30' wide
     Canopy* N/A 3 5 5
     Understory N/A 3 4 6
     Shrubs** 20 20 40 50
    Plantings and Wall or Fence Fence only 6' wide 12' wide 20' wide
     Canopy* N/A 4 3 3
     Understory N/A or 4 3 4
     Shrubs** N/A 15 22 30
    Plantings and Berm N/A 10' wide*** 14' wide 20' wide
     Canopy* N/A 2 3 3
     Understory N/A 2 3 4
     Shrubs** N/A 18 30 35


    * Level of required screening between a residential zone and a non-residential zone.

    ** Level of required screening between a single-family residential use and a non-residential use located in a non-residential zone.


    Walls or fences: Any wall shall be constructed in a durable fashion with a finished surface of brick, stone, wood, metal, or other decorative material approved by the county.


    Fences shall be constructed in a durable fashion with weather resistant wood and be of a consistent pattern. All materials used in the construction of a fence shall be designed and intended for such use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the county may approve a buffer fence constructed of other materials provided the materials and finish will provide generally the same degree of opacity, durability, and aesthetic compatibility with adjoining residential areas as weather resistant wood. A finished side of all walls or fences shall face the common property line boundary. No wall or fence used for screening purposes shall be less than six feet nor greater than eight feet in height above grade. All walls or fences used for screen purposes shall be generally opaque at a distance of ten feet.


    Berms: All berms shall be planted with both shrubs and ground covers to leave no clearance area. All shrubs shall be a species that can be expected to materially screen the development site within two years of planting. The slope of a berm shall be of a grade that is suitable for maintenance and soil stability while taking into consideration the type of plantings and ground cover that will be utilized by in no case shall a berm be less than three feet in height. The use of Pueraria lobata (kudzu) and other nuisance vining plants that will have a tendency to spread to other properties, for berm ground cover is prohibited.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)