§ 6.05.022. Parking lot landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • This section shall be applicable only to non-residential development which is both greater than one acre in total proposed site area and will have a total of 25 or more parking spaces. This requirement does not apply to land within the I-1 or I-2 zoning districts.


    Quantities: Landscaping for parking lots for any single use and group development with twenty-five (25) or more parking spaces, including any queuing spaces associated with a drive-thru, shall be as follows (any fractional shall be rounded to the nearest whole number):


    Canopy trees —One per 15 spaces; and


    Understory trees—One per 10 spaces; and


    Shrubs—One per 4 spaces.


    Existing trees: Existing canopy and/or understory trees located within 30 feet of the parking or driveway surface may be counted toward the requirements of this section provided that they are located on the subject property. All distances are to be measured from the nearest face of the tree trunk. Existing canopy trees with a caliper of at least ten inches measured at 12 inches above the root crown may count as two trees. The use of existing trees shall be noted on the landscape plan.


    Distribution: The required landscaping shall be generally distributed throughout the parking area provided that a minimum of 25 percent of the required total for each plant category (large canopy trees, understory trees and shrubs) shall be planted on interior features such as islands, peninsulas or medians.


    The remaining 75 percent of the required total plantings may be distributed between interior features; areas within 30 inches of the outside boundary of the parking and/or driveway surface; areas between a parking surface and any principal building of the site; or in planters on any ground generally enclosed by a combination of building area, pedestrian facilities and/or parking surface.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11; Ord. No. 16-15 , § 2(Exh. A), 9-6-16)