§ 6.01.0313. Final plats.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Approval of final plat by the planning commission and board of county commissioners: The final plat shall conform substantially to the preliminary plat and shall depict thereon all information required by subsection 6.01.0312, and additionally, must satisfy subsection 2 below. The final plat shall conform fully to the requirements of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, and contain only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which is proposed to record and develop. Such portion shall conform to all requirements of this chapter. The final plat shall be submitted within two years of the date of the approval of the preliminary plat. If more than two years has elapsed following the approval of the preliminary plat, the preliminary plat shall be resubmitted to the planning commission for their review and approval prior to submission of the final plat.


    Final plat requirements: The developer shall submit to the growth management department the original mylar after all reviews and revisions or other reproducible drawing of the final plat as prescribed by Chapter 177, Florida Statutes, duly signed as required. Review copies of the final can be submitted for comment on bond paper. The developer shall also submit four copies, size 24 inches by 36 inches of the final plat. The growth management department shall send copies to all appropriate county departments and at the discretion of the growth management department other appropriate local agencies for review and approval. More specifically, the final plat shall conform to Chapter 177.091, Florida Statutes, Plats Made for Recording.


    If a government survey corner is used to conduct the survey for the plat, a copy of the corner record shall be resubmitted along with the plat for approval;


    The plat boundary shall be field tied to the nearest section line whose corners are shown and described on the plat.


    The plat shall be tied to state plane coordinates:

    State Plane Coordinate Data Requirements

    State plane coordinate (North American Datum 1983/90 or subsequent NGS adjustments) in U.S. survey feet shall be stated on the final plat mylar submitted for recording. State plane coordinates for at least two boundary corners of the proposed plat must be shown. These coordinates shall be derived from field measurements in conformity with Chapter 472 and F.A.C. Rule 61G17-6.0051(2) which references 61G17-6.003(1). Further subsections in 61G17-6.003 which apply are (1)(a), (b), and (e).

    Example of Coordinate Notation

    The intended use of these coordinates is for GIS base mapping purposes. The geodetic control relied upon for these values was _____________________. (Okaloosa County High Precision Network, Published USGS Control Points, department of environmental protection, coastal construction control monuments, etc.)

    Point Northing Easting Description
    1 633525.705 1322456.256 PRM @ NEC Lot 1, Block A
    2 633858.231 1333457.358 PRM @ NEC Lot 15, Block B
    3 633775.235 1322899.213 PRM @ SWC Lot 16, Block E




    Point number would be noted graphically next to the PRM.


    Please use your professional judgment on coordinate notation; this is for reference only.


    Digital plat submittal: If computer aided drafting is used in the preparation of the subdivision plat, please submit one digital copy of each plat in "*.dwg" format on a CD. The digital submittal of the drawing shall include:


    Boundary lines, lot lines and road centerlines on a layer named "plat."


    Lot numbers, road names, bearings and distances on a layer named "text."


    Jurisdictional wetland line on a layer named "wetland."


    Easements shall be included on a layer named "easements."


    Parks or common areas shall be included on a layer named "parks."


    There shall be no other data or layers in the file that are frozen, turned off or locked. This must be one seamless file of the entire area being platted, i.e. not split up on sheets as it may have been on the mylar, no borders, nothing but the above enumerated data.


    The following statement shall be placed upon all plats submitted for approval: "The Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners has not accepted any roads, easements, parks or drainage structures or easements shown on this plat other than utility easements and utility structures. These improvements will not be accepted by the board unless and until the provisions of sections 6.01.052 and 6.01.053 of the Okaloosa County Land Development Code have been completed and complied with."


    The apparent shoreline or meant high water line as defined in Chapter 177, Part II, Coastal Mapping, Florida Statutes.


    Sites, if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks, playgrounds or other public use along with ownership and maintenance entity information, as created by the plat submitted for recording or information submitted to the surveyor by result of a title search.


    The location of stormwater management areas and conveyances, adequate to accommodate all subdivision land development activities, as created by the plat submitted for recording or information submitted to the surveyor by result of a title search.


    The plat shall include in a prominent place the following statement: "Notice: There may be additional restrictions that are not recorded on this plat that may be found in the public records of this county."


    Title certification.


    Approval of the plat by the planning commission and the board of county commissioners.


    Tax collector's signature.


    County engineer's signature.


    County surveyor's signature per Chapter 177.081, Florida Statutes.


    An 11-inch by 17-inch copy for filing purposes.


    Four copies of the final plat as well as an 11-inch by 17-inch copy shall be submitted to the growth management department prior to the established deadline in order to be reviewed by the technical review committee and planning commission. Before granting final approval to the plat, the planning commission shall receive reports from the growth management review staff, the county engineer, the appropriate fire department, water and sewer provider, and EMS. Failure of the planning commission to approve or disapprove the final plat within 30 days after submission to the planning commission, unless there is a lack of a quorum or the developer or his agent requests the project to be tabled, shall be deemed approval of the final plat, subject to final approval by the board of county commissioners.


    Recording Plats: Upon approval and signing of the plat by the planning commission, the growth management department will present the plat to the board of county commissioners for approval and signatures. The plat will then be submitted to the clerk of court for recording. Before any final plat can be approved by the county commission, the requirements of section 6.01.05 shall be completed. The provisions of section 6.01.053 shall be complied with if roads, parks, stormwater management facilities, drainage structures or easements are dedicated to the county. The project must enter the 18-month warranty period in conjunction with acceptance of the plat by the board of county commissioners. Approval of the final plat by the board of county commissioners shall be granted upon finding that the developer(s) have complied with applicable laws and provisions of this code. Furthermore, no building permits may be issued until the plat has been recorded.


    All improvements shall be completed by the developer(s) and approved by the county prior to final plat approval or the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. Should minimal improvements remain outstanding, with a value no greater than ten percent of the total construction costs, at the time of final inspection, a bond for a value no greater than ten percent of the total project infrastructure construction cost, as agreed upon by the county engineer, may be provided to the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners so long as the outstanding work is not determined to be a critical element of the infrastructure. Critical elements shall be determined by the county engineer and include, but are not limited to, roadway, water distribution, sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, and erosion control elements. For developments where the infrastructure is to remain the responsibility of a private entity upon completion, a cash escrow account equal in value to double the outstanding work, but no more than ten percent of the total construction cost, may be established as long as the remaining work is not a critical element of the infrastructure as determined by the county engineer. The ten percent value threshold for private infrastructure is the value of the work remaining, not the value of the cash escrow.


    No certificate of occupancy for a building shall be issued until all subdivision improvements are installed and approved by the county.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)