§ 6.01.03. Procedure for subdivision of land.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided by section 6.01.07, no person shall divide any parcel of property into three or more parcels, any one of which is less than one acre in size without complying with the provisions of this ordinance and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Any person found to be in non-compliance of this ordinance shall be subject to the penalties specified in chapter 12. Subdivisions of land into greater than one acre lots or parcels are exempt from platting, but are not exempt from concurrency, access design requirements and other applicable provisions of this ordinance. All parcels or lots created under this provision shall have access to public owned and maintained roads, or shall comply with paragraph 2 below.


    Exemptions: Where developments and subdivisions of lands were commenced and substantial costs had been incurred, where construction had begun, and where such developments or subdivisions had met all the policies and conditions for such developments and were not in violation of county land development ordinances existing prior to adoption of this ordinance, but may not meet all the conditions contained herein, such developments or subdivisions, whether platted or unplatted shall be allowed to continue as planned until completion.


    Any deed or conveyance of title to any lots or parcels that front on any private streets shall contain the following language, "Ingress and egress to the property described herein is by private road(s). Such roads have not been accepted by Okaloosa County and will not be maintained by the county unless they meet county standards and are officially accepted into the county maintenance system. Maintenance and repair are the sole responsibility of the property owners/homeowners association or the municipal service benefit unit, whichever is applicable. This notice shall be included in any future conveyance as long as this condition exists. By acceptance of this deed, grantee hereby acknowledges and accepts this condition."

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)