§ 6.07.03. Land requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The Okaloosa County Parks and Recreation Master Plan recommended a neighborhood park for each one mile diameter neighborhood park service area, which is hereby defined as 500 acres. The minimum recommended size of each neighborhood park was five acres. Therefore, the land requirement for neighborhood parks is one percent (five acres divided by 500 acres) of the gross area of new development with a minimum park size of five acres. Development projects that encompass at least one service area (500 acres) shall dedicate one percent of the gross land area of the project for a neighborhood park. Development projects with a gross area less than 500 acres shall dedicate at least five acres or provide a payment in lieu of dedicating land in accordance with section 6.07.04. Dedicated land shall be located within the project's park service area.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)