§ 6.05.071. Between residential, non-residential districts and incompatible uses.  

Latest version.
  • Where an office and institutional, business and/or industrial district abuts a residential district, screening shall be provided on the lot(s) which is located in the non-residential zone at the time such lot(s) is developed. This provision shall apply between residential uses when there exists a compatibility problem with adjacent residential use in mixed use or between single family detached and multi-family dwelling units.

    Where a residential use adjoins a non-residential use and both are located in a non-residential zone, minimal screening shall be required. A solid fence or wall shall be constructed as part of any new development or construction.

    Where a single-family residential zone abuts a residential local or residential collector street and a non-residential use is adjacent to the right-of-way, screening shall be located on the property developed for non-residential purpose, to the extent that the non-residential use is generally screened from residential view.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)