§ 6.04.01. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Area calculations are based on gross square footage.


    Where the required number of parking spaces results in a fraction, rounding to the next whole number shall occur.


    Where parking spaces are required based on number of employees or students/clients, the number of employees must reflect the largest shift and the number of students/clients must reflect the maximum capacity allowed.


    For multiple land use developments, parking spaces shall be determined upon each different land use and/or accessory use.


    With respect to any parking lot that is required to be paved, the number of parking spaces required may be reduced by one, if the developer provides a bicycle rack or similar device that offers a secure parking area for each five bicycles.


    Vehicles from single-family developments are allowed to back onto the street, provided the street is classified as a minor local street.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)