§ 6.06.09. Protection of natural watercourses.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Channeling runoff directly into water bodies shall be prohibited. Instead, runoff shall be routed through swales and other systems designed to increase time of concentration, decrease velocity, increase infiltration, allow suspended solids to settle, and remove pollutants;


    Natural watercourses shall not be dredged, cleared of vegetation, deepened, widened, straightened, stabilized or otherwise altered without prior approval from the county and documentation that all applicable state and federal permits have been obtained;


    Vegetative buffer strips shall be retained to a horizontal distance of 25 feet from the ordinary high water line of any natural watercourse. The buffer shall be in place to prevent erosion, trap the sediment from overland runoff, provide access to natural systems and allow periodic flooding without damage to structures.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)