§ 6.01.052. Minimum requirements for the installation of improvements.  

Latest version.
  • All improvements and construction activities required under these regulations shall take place according to plans approved by the county engineer and appropriate water and sewer provider. The plans submitted to the county engineer shall bear the signature of a Florida licensed professional engineer responsible for the project as defined in Chapter 471, Florida Statutes. If construction does not commence within one year of the date of the fully executed development order approval, then the project shall be re-submitted for approval.


    Road construction: Reference section 6.03.05.


    Stormwater management facilities, drainage and landscaping: Reference sections 6.05.00 and 6.06.00 and others.


    Utilities: Plans shall be submitted and approved by the county water and sewer department, or appropriate provider, and comply with chapter 4. Reference Ordinance No. 86-14. All utilities, including television cable, telephone, and electrical systems shall be installed underground in any new development with a density of four dwelling units per acre and new road construction.


    Easements: An exclusive easement for stormwater management facilities, drainage and utilities, centered on rear or side lot lines where facilities or utilities exist or are planned, will be required by Okaloosa County, and shall be 20 feet wide, or as determined by the county engineer. Easements of greater width may be required along lot lines or across lots, wherever necessary, for the extension of water or sewer lines, or other utilities. No fences or other structures will be allowed in easements dedicated for public purposes or which are part of a stormwater conveyance system, or maintained by the county, unless authorized by the public works department and other affected utility providers.


    Stormwater management and drainage easements will be provided for the drainage of stormwater; these easements will be no less than 20 feet in width. In the case of open channels and ditches, the drainage easement shall include maintenance access consisting of a cleared and unobstructed area having a side slope no steeper than 1:15 and encompassing a width of 15 feet to lie wholly along one side of the ditch. If required, adequate conveyance of subdivision rear yard swale areas to a master stormwater system shall be established during subdivision construction activity and documented through lot development by grading plans.


    Construction and inspection of improvements:


    Prior to the commencement of development activities, copies of required permits for stormwater management, wetland activities, driveway connections, and water and sewer systems from all appropriate local, state, and federal agencies must be submitted to the county.


    Inspection of the following phases of construction shall be conducted and certified by the engineer of record.


    Erosion control installation;


    Stabilized grade;


    Curbs, sidewalks and concrete work;




    Roadway base;


    Surface course;


    Drainage structures and systems;




    Signage; and


    Reference section 6.06.06 for inspection prior to work commencing.


    The county engineer or water and sewer engineer shall have the authority to reject materials or suspend work when not in conformity with approved plans and specifications.


    Final inspection: The engineer of record shall provide a certification that all construction has been substantially completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications as well as signed and sealed as-built plans. Any deviations from the approved plans will be indicated and explained. Those deviations which result in changes to the function of the system will require further review and approval. Testing documentation shall also be provided to the county engineer. This will not preclude the county engineer from inspecting any and all aspects of construction. When all work including installation of all stormwater management and drainage facilities and conveyances has been completed, and all required certifications and as-built drawings have been submitted, the county engineer shall inspect the work and shall either approve it or notify the applicant in writing in what respects there has been a failure to comply with the requirements of the approved construction plans. The water and sewer engineer will be responsible for inspecting water and sewer facilities. Any portion of the work which does not comply shall be promptly corrected by the applicant or the applicant will be subject to the penalty provisions of chapter 12 of this ordinance.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)