§ 6.05.06. Landscape plan.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the provisions of this chapter are applicable in accordance with section 6.05.01, an approved landscape plan shall be required prior to commencing any residential, (subdivision or multi-family) commercial or industrial development activity, including removal of vegetation for site preparation. The owner, developer or agent shall submit an accurately scaled drawing.


    Submission of landscape plan: A landscape plan shall be submitted to public works and growth management departments in conjunction with site plans, stormwater management plans and utility plans required by other sections of this code. The landscape plan shall include sufficient information for the county to determine whether the proposed landscape improvements are in conformance with the landscape standards and other requirements of this ordinance. Specifically, the plan shall include the following:


    A description of the proposed species, size, quantity and location of all trees, shrubs and landscape material, the proposed method of watering and maintaining landscaped areas.


    Location of all protected trees, noting species, size and general condition.


    Location of proposed structures, driveways, parking areas, required perimeter and interior landscaped areas, and other improvements to be constructed or installed, including adjacent public and/or private streets and properties.


    Identification of trees, including species, to be preserved, trees to be removed, including dead trees, and trees to be replanted.


    Proposed grade changes which might adversely affect or endanger trees with specifications on how to maintain trees.


    Inspection and construction of improvements: A copy of the approved plan shall be available on site during installation of landscape improvements and shall be inspected by the county.


    An on-site inspection shall be conducted prior to approval for tree removal.


    Conditions of approval: The county may approve the request if one or more of the following conditions is present:


    Safety hazard: Necessity to remove trees which pose a safety threat to pedestrians or vehicular traffic or threaten to cause disruption of public services; or which pose a safety hazard to persons or buildings;


    Best management practices: Necessity to observe best management practices.


    Construction of improvements: Necessity to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as a result of:


    Need for access immediately around the proposed structure for construction equipment.


    Need for access to the building site for construction equipment.


    Essential grade changes.


    Surface water drainage and utility installations.


    Location of driveways, buildings or other permanent improvements.


    Compliance with other ordinances or codes: Necessity for compliance with other county codes such as building codes, zoning regulations, subdivision regulations, health provisions, and other environmental regulations.


    Review: The county shall have 30 working days after receipt of a completed application filed pursuant to this chapter in which to approve or deny the request. In the event an application is denied, the county shall specify to the applicant in writing the reason for said action. If no final action with respect to a completed application is taken within the required 30 working days, the application shall be deemed to have been approved.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)