§ 6.01.04. Design standards.  

Latest version.
  • General: Subdividers should make every effort to conform to the natural topography and features of the tract in improving the tract, and in establishing the size and shape of blocks and lots. The subdivider should also take steps to ensure the preservation of the land. Lot sizes and zoning districts are specified in Chapter 2. Okaloosa County relies upon Florida licensed architects, engineers, surveyors, and landscape architects in accordance with Florida Statutes and their expertise in their particular profession for the design, supervision of construction and certification of stormwater management facilities, drainage, roads, and landscaping, and the preparation of plats and other documents required by this ordinance.


    Private streets and easements: Reference section 6.03.04.


    Blocks and lots:


    Residential blocks shall not be more than 1,500 feet in length.


    Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots except when prevented by unique topographic or natural conditions.


    Lot dimensions and shapes will conform to the requirements of this ordinance. Lot sizes for private water and/or sewage systems shall be as required by the county health department or other permitting agencies.


    Roads and streets: Reference section 6.03.00.


    Sidewalks: All developments requiring new road construction for public dedication with a density of four dwelling units per acre or greater shall be required to install bikeways and/or sidewalks. This may be accomplished with the installation of signage, striping of roadways, widening of roadways, installation of sidewalks, wheelchair ramps at intersection points. (Comprehensive Plan, Policy 8.A.3.3.) Sidewalks shall be provided only on one side of the street where topography or required conservation areas limit their construction and use.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)