§ 6.05.00. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • The intent of these requirements shall be to enhance the visual and aesthetic appearance of the county; provide space definition and landscape continuity between the built environment and the natural environment; provide appropriate barriers and relief from traffic, noise, heat, glare and the spread of dust and debris; reduce the impact of development on the community's storm drainage system and reduce flooding; aid in the conservation of energy; replenish the atmosphere with oxygen; provide for a more pleasant and relaxing urban environment; and, increase property values. Furthermore, the intent shall be to create a screen between residential zoning districts and other zoning districts or to screen certain uses in order to minimize potential nuisances such as noise, dust, odor, and light glare; to reduce the visual impact of unsightly aspects of adjacent development; to provide for the separation of spaces; and to establish a sense of privacy. The design and installation of required landscaping shall be consistent with the following standards unless it can be demonstrated that the alternatives will meet the objectives of this chapter. The landscape development standards contained herein shall apply whenever a landscape plan is required.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)