§ 6.06.06. Stormwater quality criteria.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    All projects shall provide for the treatment of stormwater utilizing retention, detention, infiltration or other appropriate stormwater management facilities.


    Single-family detached residential subdivisions shall provide treatment in accordance with current FDEP water quality requirements. All other development shall provide retention, or detention with filtration, of the first one-inch of runoff from the project area, or if more restrictive, meet FDEP water quality requirements.


    Although the use of wetlands for storing and purifying water is encouraged, care must be taken not to overload their capacity, thereby harming the wetlands and transitional vegetation. Wetlands shall not be harmed by the construction of stormwater management systems.


    Runoff from parking lots or other areas that are more than 50 percent impervious shall be treated to remove oil and sediment before it enters receiving waters. Acceptable methods for removing oil and sediment include baffles, skimmers, grease traps, retention basins retaining 100 percent of site runoff and other mechanisms suitable for preventing oil and grease from leaving the project site in concentrations that would cause violations of state or local water quality standards.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)