§ 6.05.04. Plant material standards.  

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  • 1.

    Unless otherwise provided herein, only Florida No. 1 or better plant material as described in Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Part II, Florida Department of Agriculture, shall be credited on the landscape development requirements of this chapter.


    Portions of a development area left in the natural state shall be credited toward the landscape development requirements of section 6.05.03.


    For credit, trees shall be subject to the following:


    A minimum height of six feet at the time of planting for non-protected trees, four feet at time of planting for protected trees.


    The planting area for each tree shall be a minimum of 100 square feet around the trunk of the tree and shall be maintained in either vegetative landscape material or pervious surface cover.


    Ground cover, lawn grasses, turf grass, and architectural planters shall be subject to the following:


    Turf and lawn grass: Lawn grass shall be perennial species capable of thriving in Okaloosa County.


    Grass and ground cover planted for credit on the landscaping requirements shall be perennial species capable of thriving in Okaloosa County.


    Grass may be sodded, sprigged, plugged or seeded except that solid sod shall be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion.


    Grass areas shall be consolidated and limited to those areas on the site that receive pedestrian traffic, provide for recreation use, or provide erosion control on slopes or in swales.


    Synthetic plant material: No credit shall be granted for use of artificial plant material.


    Architectural planters: Credit shall be given for use of permanent architectural planters which meet the following criteria:


    For shrubs, a planting area of not less than ten square feet and a depth of not less than 18 inches.


    For trees, have a planting area of not less than 12 square feet and a depth of not less than four feet.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)