§ 22-24. Landscape development standards.
To ensure the attainment of the objectives of this article, the design and installation of required landscaping shall be consistent with the following standards unless it can be demonstrated that the alternatives will meet the objectives of this article. The landscape development standards contained herein shall apply whenever a landscape plan is required.
Landscape area requirements. All land uses not specifically exempted by section 22-22 hereof shall devote a minimum of 15 percent of the total developed area to landscape development.
Perimeter requirements:
Front perimeter landscape areas. A minimum of ten-foot wide strip of land, located between the front property line and the vehicular use area shall be landscaped on all new construction, excepted permitted accessways. Width of sidewalks shall not be included within the ten-foot wide front setback perimeter landscape area.
Material requirements in perimeter area:
Tree count. The total tree count requirement within the front setback perimeter landscape area shall be determined by using a ratio of one tree for each 25 linear feet of lot frontage or major portion thereof with 50 percent of such trees being shade trees.
Ground cover. Grass or other ground cover shall be placed on all areas within the front, or other landscape areas not occupied by other landscape material.
Use of perimeter landscape areas:
Overhang areas. Vehicles may overhang no more than two feet into perimeter landscape areas.
Accessways. All accessways through the perimeter landscape areas shall meet the following aisle width maximums and minimums: Not over fifteen-foot one-way drives, no less than ten feet apart, and not over twenty-seven-foot two-way drives, no less than 20 feet apart. If the county board of adjustment determines that accessways separation minimum or aisle width maximum requirements will create a hardship, such minimum may be waived by the county board of adjustment in accordance with section 22-29 hereof.
Reforestation. The number of trees required on any developed area shall be determined by using the ratio of one tree for each one-tenth of an acre. Credit may be received on the reforestation requirement of this section by preserving existing trees.
The reforestation requirements shall be credited for preserved trees at the following rate:
Diameter* of Tree
(Trunk of
Preserved Tree)Number of
Trees Credited30—36 inches in diameter 5 20—29 inches in diameter 4 8—19 inches in diameter 3 2—7 inches in diameter 2 *Measured at a height of two feet above the natural grade.
Fifty percent of the area within the drip line of preserved trees which are eligible for credit pursuant to this section shall be maintained in either vegetative landscape material or pervious surface cover.
Tree protection during construction of the development activity. During development activity preserved trees shall be protected from activities which may injure or kill them. Tree protection techniques found in the "Tree Protection Manual for Builders and Developers," Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, or equivalent techniques should be used.
Plant material standards:
Unless otherwise provided herein, only Florida No. 1 or better plant material as described in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, Part I, 1963" and "Part II," State of Florida, Department of Agriculture, Tallahassee, shall be credited on the landscape development requirements of this article.
Portions of a developed area left in the natural state shall be credited toward the landscape development requirements of section 22-24(1).
Trees shall be subject to the following:
Height. Trees shall have a minimum height of six feet at the time of planting.
Planting area. The planting area for each tree shall be a minimum of 100 square feet around the trunk of the tree and shall be maintained in either vegetative landscape material or pervious surface cover.
Ground cover, lawn grasses, synthetic plant material, and architectural planters shall be subject to the following:
Lawn grasses. Lawn grasses shall be perennial species capable of thriving in Okaloosa County.
Lawn grasses and ground cover planted for credit on the landscaping requirements shall be perennial species capable of thriving in Okaloosa County.
Grasses may be sodded, sprigged, plugged or seeded, except that solid sod shall be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion.
Synthetic plant material. No credit shall be granted for use of artificial plant material.
Architectural planters. Credit shall be given for use of permanent architectural planters which meet the following criteria:
Architectural planters for shrubs shall have a planting area of not less than ten square feet and a depth of not less than 18 inches.
Architectural planters for trees shall have a planting area of not less than 12 square feet and a depth of not less than four feet.
Site preparation standards. To the extent that is feasible, the performance of development activities and revegetation of altered sites shall be consistent with the following standards:
Development shall not involve the unnecessary removal of any native vegetation. Where removal of native trees is necessary, efforts should be made to transplant such trees.
Site alteration shall occur in planned stages or increments and not exceed the minimum area necessary to prepare the site for the succeeding phase of development.
Adequate erosion control measures shall be put into effect prior to commencing site alteration on each increment.
Vegetated buffer strips shall be retained in their natural state along the banks of all natural watercourses, waterbodies or wetlands. The width of the buffer shall be sufficient to prevent erosion, trap the sediment in overland runoff, provide access to the water body and allow for periodic flooding without damage to structures.
(Ord. No. 85-38, § 4, 9-3-85)