§ 10-26. Fire hydrants.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prior to the construction of buildings or portions thereof, all site plans shall be reviewed. At this time the authority having jurisdiction shall review the fire flow required and designate spacing of hydrants according to the following schedule:


    All site/plot plans submitted to the fire authority having jurisdiction for approval shall indicate the location of installed fire hydrant and/or the proposed location of new fire hydrants, to include the size and layout of water main supplying the hydrant.


    At least one fire hydrant shall be installed at a spacing not to exceed 300 feet (92 meters) of any new or existing commercial building (with an active building or development order permit) location, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. No portion of the exterior walls of a new or existing commercial building (with an active building or development order permit) shall be more than 200 feet (61.6m) from a hydrant, where vehicular access is provided. Additional hydrants shall be provided to meet the remaining fire flow; if necessary.


    Where buildings are proposed, the authority having jurisdiction shall require additional hydrants and closer spacing where building size, use, construction, and lack of built-in fire protection mandate.


    In areas of one- and two-family dwellings in a planned building group, hydrants shall be located a maximum of 660 feet (200m) vehicle travel distance apart. In areas of one- and two-family dwellings on cul-de-sacs, the fire hydrant shall be placed no more than 500 feet driving distance from the last drive-way at the end of the cul-de-sac.


    All fire hydrants shall be supplied by water mains complying with paragraph (1) or (2) below:


    Fire hydrants shall be supplied by not less than a six-inch diameter main installed on a looped system, or by not less than an eight-inch diameter main if the system is not looped or the fire hydrant is installed on a dead-end main exceeding 300 feet in length. Dead-end mains shall not exceed 600 feet for main sizes under ten inches.


    Fire hydrants shall be supplied by water mains that are sized according to hydraulic calculations approved by the authority having jurisdiction, providing the mains installed are not less than six inches in diameter.


    In rural areas, development of water system infrastructure (nonplanned/planned building groups) shall comply with the following requirements:


    Fire hydrants in rural areas shall be spaced within 1,000 feet vehicular travel distance apart (may move fire hydrants' distance to match intersecting roads). Water mains supplying these fire hydrants shall not be less than six inches in diameter and shall have sufficient flow rate and pressure of 500 gallons per minute (gpm) at 20 pounds per square inch (psi) to meet the minimum standards required for residential properties.


    Before new construction (nonplanned building groups) may be permitted in rural areas where water mains exist, the utility provider shall require the developer to provide fire hydrants be installed in compliance with item (c)(1), above. In areas where water mains do not exist as an option, the developer may use an alternative fire prevention method. Alternate fire prevention methods include, but are not limited to, 35,000 gallon storage tanks, dry fire hydrants supplied by ponds, lakes or waterways, sprinkler systems, and water wells with fire pumps on a back-up generator, or other methods approved by the fire authority having jurisdiction prior to installation.


    Planned building groups in rural areas shall comply with provisions items (a)(1)through (4) and (b)(1) and (2) above.

    EXCEPTION: Where conditions are such that items (a)(1) through (4) and (b)(1) and (2) above are impractical to achieve, the authority having jurisdiction shall consider reasonable substitutions meeting the intent of this section, provided adequate fire protection is maintained. A single-family dwelling may be constructed by the property owner in those areas not served by a water system as outlined in subsection 10-25(c)(2). Water systems supplying areas that do not meet the requirements of this Code shall, as they upgrade their water lines, provide adequate sizing and fire hydrants to meet spacing requirements outlined above. In rural areas where new water lines are run or upgraded, and there are no commercial or residential structures within 1,000 feet of an existing fire hydrant, placement of fire hydrants shall not be required until a structure is proposed. It shall be the responsibility of the builder/developer of the structure to provide for the installation of said hydrant.


    Water mains supplying fire hydrants shall have sufficient flow rate and pressure of 500 gpm at 20 psi residual to meet the minimum standards required for residential properties. Commercial properties will be in accordance with the American Water Works Association Manual M-31, M17, and the Florida Fire Prevention Code, as adopted by the state fire marshal, with all updated amendments.


    All required fire hydrant and water main pressure tests shall be performed by the responsible contractor and witnessed by the fire authority representative having jurisdiction. The contractor shall notify the utility provider 24 hours prior to testing of fire hydrant flow and water main pressure tests. The contractor shall provide written copies of these tests to the fire prevention representative witnessing these tests and shall provide copies to the water service utility.

(Ord. No. 07-38, § V, 7-10-07)