§ 2-2. Maintenance of good order in Okaloosa County buildings.
The board of county commissioners possesses authority to maintain good order in its government buildings and other buildings being utilized regarding political solicitations, when any part of that building is being used for the purpose of conducting elections.
For the purposes of this section, the term "solicit" shall include, but not be limited to, seeking any vote or contribution; distributing or attempting to distribute any political or campaign material, sign leaflet, or handout; conducting overt campaigning for a candidate or issue; and seeking or attempting to seek a signature on any petition.
No person, candidate, political committee, committee of continuous existence, or other group or organization may solicit voters within 50 feet of the entrance to any room being used for the conduct of elections, unless the supervisor of elections designates one specific are for solicitation when requested.
The board of county commissioners or the supervisor of elections may take any reasonable action necessary to ensure good order which shall include having disruptive and unruly persons removed by law enforcement officers from the room where the conduct of elections is being held or from the 50 foot zone surrounding the room.
(Ord. No. 04-65, § 2, 10-19-04)