§ 24-241. Significant industrial or commercial users.  

Latest version.
  • Any industry or commercial establishment discharging into the sewer system more than 25,000 gallons per day or any discharger so designated as a significant industrial or commercial user by the board shall comply with the following:


    In order to provide for accurate sampling and measurement of industrial sewage, each designated user shall provide and maintain, on each of its industrial sewage outlet sewers, a large manhole or sampling chamber to be located outside or near its facility boundary line. If inside the facility fence, there shall be a gate near the sampling chamber with a key furnished to the board. There shall be ample room provided in each sampling chamber to enable convenient inspection and sampling by the board, or its authorized agent.


    Each sampling chamber shall contain a parshall flume, accurate weir, or similar device, with a recording and totalizing register for measurement of the liquid quantity; or the metered water supply to the industrial facility may be used as the liquid quantity where it is substantiated that the metered water supply and sewage quantities are approximately the same, or where a measurable adjustment can be made in the metered supply to determine the liquid quantity. The measuring, totalizing, recording devices are to be supplied, installed, and maintained by the owner of the facility.


    Samples shall be taken every hour, properly refrigerated and composited in proportion to the sewage flow for a representative 24-hour sample. Such sampling shall be repeated on as many days as necessary to insure representative quantities for the entire reporting period. Industrial facilities with wide fluctuations in quantities of sewage will require an automatic sampler paced automatically by the flow-measuring device. Minimum requirements for representative quantities shall include reevaluation during each quarterly period. The determination of representative quantities shall include not less than three consecutive days of 24-hour composite samplings of sewage flow taken during periods of normal operation, together with acceptable flow measurements. The frequency of sampling, sampling chamber, metering device, sampling methods, and analysis of samples shall be subject, at any time, to inspection and verification by the board. Sampling and measuring facilities shall be such as to provide safe access for authorized personnel of the board for making such inspection and verification. Plans for sampling location shown on a site plan shall be submitted to the board for approval.


    The owner of each facility discharging industrial sewage shall submit monthly to the board, on forms supplied by the board, a certified statement of the quantities of its sewage discharged into the sewers and wastewater treatment works of the board or into any sewer connected therewith. Copies of pertinent water bills shall be submitted with the above statement. Such documents shall be filed with the board not later than the tenth day of the following month. A separate statement shall be filed for each industrial or commercial facility. The total quantities of sewage to be measured and certified by the owner shall be: (1) liquid in gallons, (2) five-day BOD in pounds, (3) suspended solids in pounds, on a dry solids basis, (4) total phosphorus in pounds, (5) total Kjeldahl nitrogen in pounds, (6) COD in pounds, and (7) pH.

( Ord. No. 16-16 , § 1, 9-6-16)