§ 16-44. Gulf of Mexico—Watercraft distance from shore, generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The operation of any motorized watercraft within 700 feet of shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico in Okaloosa County including the incorporated areas is hereby prohibited subject to the exemptions provided in subsection (b) hereof.


    The operation of non-propeller driven motorized watercraft within 700 feet of the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico are hereby exempted under the following conditions:


    The owner or leaseholder of property bordering the Gulf of Mexico may give written permission for non-propeller driven motorized watercraft to enter and exit the shore adjacent to the property owned or leased within a corridor established, maintained, and subject to the following conditions:


    The corridor must be as least 20 feet in width and not greater than 40 feet in width and extending 700 feet perpendicular to the shore. Only one corridor will be allowed on each site.


    The corridor is to be clearly marked along both sides with orange buoys that are at least 18 inches in diameter and anchored 700 feet from the shoreline. Marker buoys must be removed when the corridor is not in use.


    The corridor must be at least ten feet interior to the extension of the property line of the permitting owner or leaseholder.


    Entrance into the corridor from the shoreline must be marked by orange or red cones which must be at least 28 inches high erected at the waterline.


    There shall be posted landward of the corridor a sign advising the public of the corridor and posting notice for vessels to proceed under idle speed.


    Swimming, surfing, sailing or wading shall be prohibited within the corridor but non-propeller driven motorized watercraft shall yield the right-of-way to any persons located therein.


    Non-propeller driven motorized watercraft shall be limited to the entry/exit corridor when closer than 700 feet from the shoreline and shall not exceed the idle speed or five m.p.h., whichever is greater, when within the corridor.


    Commercial fishing boats are exempted from the provisions of this article while in the process of deploying nets while conducting fish netting operations, but shall not operate in excess of idle speed or five m.p.h. miles per hour, whichever is greater, when within 700 feet of the shoreline.


    Publicly announced, properly authorized and supervised, and adequately patrolled regattas, speed trials, exhibitions, or other special events, when the same have been approved by the board of county commissioners and the applicant has provided a hold harmless agreement to the county, liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence naming the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners as an additional insured on such policy, and such other conditions as deemed necessary by the board of county commissioners including but not limited to protecting the environment, and assuring that adequate public facilities and emergency response teams and equipment are available.


    Commercial propeller driven motorized watercraft are exempt when owned or operated by the landward owner and operated within a corridor established, maintained, and subject to the following conditions:


    The corridor must be at least 20 feet in width and not greater than 40 feet in width and extending 700 feet perpendicular to the shore. Only one corridor will be allowed on each side.


    The corridor is to be clearly marked along both sides with orange buoys that are at least 18 inches in diameter and anchored 700 feet from the shoreline. Additional buoys will be placed at 100 feet and 300 feet. Marker buoys must be removed when the corridor is not in use.


    The corridor must be at least ten feet interior to the extension of the property line of the permitting owner or leaseholder.


    Entrance into the corridor from the shoreline must be marked by orange or red cones which must be at least 28 inches high erected at the waterline.


    There shall be posted landward of the corridor a sign advising the public of the corridor and posting notice for vessels to proceed under idle speed.


    Propeller driven commercial watercraft shall not operate within the corridor or within 700 feet of the shoreline when weather conditions cause the surf to be in excess of two feet.


    Propeller driven commercial watercraft shall never operate any closer than 100 feet from the shoreline, even when within the corridor.


    Propeller driven commercial watercraft shall never exceed idle speed or five m.p.h. miles per hour, whichever is greater, while within 700 feet of the shoreline.

(Ord. No. 08-06, § 4, 3-18-08; Ord. No. 13-07, § 4, 1-22-13; Ord. No. 17-18 , § 2, 9-5-17)