§ 15-145. Application review criteria.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. Upon receipt of an application for any certificate under this division, the board shall cause an investigation to be made of the character and reputation of the applicant as a law-abiding citizen, the financial ability of the applicant to render safe and comfortable service and to maintain or replace the equipment for such service, the financial responsibility of the applicant to maintain insurance for the payment of personal injury, death and property damage claims, and of such other pertinent facts which the board may deem relevant in determining the fitness of the applicant to assume the occupation of an operator.


    Recommendations considered. Upon receipt, the clerk shall transmit one copy of the application to the director of emergency services and the county medical director and request that same furnish recommendations thereon prior to the board's meeting on the matter. The recommendations of the same shall be considered by the board prior to the decision on the application. The board shall review the application in consideration of, but not limited to, the following criteria:


    The financial responsibility of the applicant to maintain safe, comfortable services, maintain or replace equipment, and maintain required liability and medical malpractice insurance upon the request of the board.


    The condition of the vehicles and equipment provided by the service. All vehicles intended for emergency medical transportation must be properly certified by the state as advanced life support ambulances.


    In accordance with Section 401.31, Florida Statutes, the department of health and rehabilitative services shall inspect each advanced life support vehicle at reasonable times and whenever such inspection is deemed necessary by the department, but not less frequently than once a year.


    For the purpose of review of applications or determination of applicant's compliance, the board or its designated representative shall be empowered to perform reasonable inspections of any item pertinent to the requirements of this division.


    The board may hold a public hearing for the purpose of considering all pending applications for a certificate. All applicants, municipalities, and all present certificate holders shall be notified of the date, time, and place of the public hearing. Said notice shall be sent by certified mail, not less than 20 days prior to the public hearing. At such hearing, the board shall consider all applications and pertinent information and shall make its finding as to each applicant, and shall determine whether the public convenience and necessity of the residents of the county would best be served by granting or denying such applications.


    The past performance and service record of the applicant obtained from sources such as hospitals, nursing homes, public safety agencies and the local department of health and rehabilitative service EMS representatives.


    The number and type of services and governmental entities currently providing emergency advanced life support, emergency medical service or air medical transportation services to the area.


    The basis for determination of need may include a comparison of estimated annual requests for service in the particular certificate category, with the current number of vehicles satisfying requests.


    Within five days of receipt of any application under this division, a complete copy thereof shall be forwarded to the county medical director for his/her review and recommendations. The medical director shall prepare a written report within 30 days of his/her receipt of the application, unless a time extension is granted by the board for good cause.


    The extent to which the applicant, and all proposed equipment and personnel, conform to the standards of Chapter 401, Florida Statutes, any amendments thereto, and any rules promulgated thereunder.


    The effect of the proposed services on the quality and cost of the existing medical transportation and rescue service.


    No certificates issued after the effective date of this division shall allow any duplication of classifications of certificates in the same geographic area. In times of emergency, certificate classifications may be disregarded at the request of a certificate holder within an area needing assistance.

(Ord. No. 93-45, § 5, 9-28-93)