§ 11-184. Classification of properties.  

Latest version.
  • Upon the written request by a multi-family dwelling unit property owner, the county may permit the multi-family dwelling unit to receive residential solid waste collection services.

    If a property owner requests a change in the classification of their property in a manner that would alter the collection and billing methodology to that property (e.g. a multi-family dwelling unit desiring cart-based collection in the same manner as a single family dwelling unit), the county shall make the final determination as to the collection and billing methodology that will be utilized. The determination shall be made by the public works director or his/her designee and will be based upon a review of the unique facts and circumstances of each situation, to include, among other things, access to the service site. The decision of the public works director or his/her designee shall be final.

( Ord. No. 17-05 , § 3, 4-4-17)