§ 11-163. Collection of costs.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If the board determines that the cost of correction of the nuisance should be collected through the collection as a non-ad valorem assessment on the tax bill for the property, the amount shall be assessed in conformity with the county's nuisance abatement ordinance and Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes.


    If the board determines that the cost of correction of the nuisance should be collected through the lien process and the property owner(s) fails to make payment within the time specified, the certification of costs assessed against the affected land, as described in section 11-161, shall be recorded in the official records of the county and shall create and constitute an order and a lien against such land. Said certification shall bear interest at the current statutory rate of interest per annum as provided by the Florida Statutes for judgments and shall constitute a lien upon the land from the date of the recording. The lien shall be collectible in the same manner as liens for taxes and with the same attorney's fee, penalties for default in payment, and under the same provisions as to sale and forfeiture, as apply to other county taxes. Collection of such costs, with such interest and with a reasonable attorney's fee, may also be made by the board of county commissioners by proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to foreclose the lien in the manner in which a lien for mortgages is foreclosed under the laws of Florida. More than one lot or parcel of land, by whomever owned, may be joined in any foreclosure action if assessed under the provisions of this article. Property subject to a lien may be redeemed at any time prior to sale by its owner by paying the total amount due under the corresponding lien including all interest, court costs, advertising costs and reasonable attorney's fees. Alternatively, the county, at its election, may collect the amounts due as a non-ad valorem assessment which shall be collected in compliance with the provisions of Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes.

( Ord. No. 15-20 , § 1, 12-1-15)