§ 11-155. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the meaning respectively ascribed, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

    Enforcement officer means the person designated by the board of county commissioners to enforce the provisions of county codes and ordinances. The term includes, but is not limited to, code enforcement officers and all county personnel with board designated responsibility to enforce codes and ordinances.

    Excessive growth and accumulation of vegetation means any weed growth, or undergrowth of dead or living herbaceous vegetative matter that is growing in an uncontrolled manner or is not regularly maintained, and is in excess of 18 inches in height as measured from the soil level. Actively managed crops, pasture lands, and landscaping shall not be included within this definition.

    Improved parcel means that parcel of real property as is identified as a single taxable parcel by the property appraiser and which contains the improved property within its boundaries.

    Improved property means that part of any lot, parcel, or area of land that has been deliberately altered from its natural condition through human action for an identifiable purpose in support of a lawful use or activity including, but not limited to, residential or commercial development, storm water management, recreation and agriculture. Abandonment, disuse, or foreclosure shall not remove such property from classification as "improved." Excluded from the definition are all federally-owned lands as well as all other public right-of-ways, publicly owned stormwater facilities, publicly owned landfills, and all publicly owned parks and/or natural land areas designated for passive recreational purposes. Property that does not fall within the scope of the proceeding description shall be considered "unimproved."

    Property owner means an owner of any real property, lot, tract or parcel of land. The owner of said real property as identified by the property appraiser shall create a rebuttable presumption as to the identity of the actual property owner and real party in interest.

( Ord. No. 15-20 , § 1, 12-1-15)