§ 11-134. Litter storage.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Non-residential property.


    All commercial establishments shall store their litter in a controlled manner so as to eliminate wind-driven debris and litter in and about their establishments. The number and size of containers necessary for each commercial establishment shall be as required to control all waste generated on the premises. Spillage and overflow around containers shall be immediately cleaned up as it occurs by the generator.


    All loading and unloading areas at commercial establishments shall be provided with litter receptacles by the generator to store loose debris, paper, cardboard, packaging materials, and similar materials.


    It shall be the duty of any and every person, corporation, company, lessee, or agent owning or operating any public establishment or place open to the public to have available receptacles adequate to contain litter generated from such establishment.


    It shall be the duty of every person, corporation, company, firm, owner, lessee or agent in possession, charge of or in control of any place, public or private, where litter is accumulated or generated, to have available and at all times to keep such litter in adequate and suitable receptacles and/or containers capable of holding such materials until proper final disposal is accomplished.


    Residential and non-residential property.


    Any unauthorized accumulation of litter on any property, vacant or occupied, premises, public street, or other public or private place is a violation of this division.


    All property within the urban development boundary, a rural community overlay, or within a subdivision platted with lots one acre or less in size (whether in or out of the urban development boundary or a rural community overlay) of which greater than 50 percent are in individual ownership, shall not be allowed to exist in a junkyard-like condition which is readily visible while located at ground level from another property or from a public or private road right-of-way. Covering materials included within the definition of junkyard-like conditions with a tarp or other covering (except in the case of vehicles covered with actual vehicle covers) shall not constitute compliance with this provision. This provision shall not be construed to allow the accumulation or storage of hazardous materials as defined by federal or state regulations on any property unless all requisite local, state, and federal requirements have been issued and all materials are stored in compliance with such permits and regulations. The purpose and intent of this provision is to protect health, safety, and welfare, and is not intended to be a regulation of aesthetics.

(Ord. No. 87-33, Art. 3, § 4, 6-23-87; Ord. No. 18-20 , § 3, 11-6-18)