§ 11.5-60. Affordable housing advisory committee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The Okaloosa County Affordable Housing Committee, hereinafter referred to as the committee, shall be created consisting of a total of nine members meeting the mutual approval of the county board of commissioners and the Fort Walton Beach City Council. Appointment of individuals to the advisory committee shall be by mutually approved resolutions of the board and city council. A majority of the membership of said committee shall be required to conduct official business, and all committee meetings shall be publicly advertised or noticed in the local print media having the largest community-wide circulation.


    Said committee shall be comprised of one representative of each of the following interests, plus three at-large members:


    Labor engaged in homebuilding.


    Advocacy for low income persons.


    Affordable housing providers.


    Real estate professionals.


    Residential homebuilders.


    Banking or mortgage banking industry.


    The committee shall serve in an advisory capacity and shall minimally perform the review functions stipulated in Section 420.9076, Florida Statutes, including the development of recommendations to the board and city council regarding actions to address impediments, create incentives or support expansion of affordable housing opportunities within the local area. Said recommendations shall be in the form of a local affordable housing incentive plan which shall be presented to the board and city council by representatives of the committee. Within 90 days of official presentation of the incentive plan to said governing bodies, the plan shall be adopted by the board and city council.


    Members shall initially serve for three-year terms and may be reappointed for subsequent terms.


    Meetings shall be held monthly for the first year of committee existence and quarterly thereafter.


    The committee shall comply with the government in the Sunshine Law, the public records law, and the special provisions regarding notice of affordable housing incentive plan considerations found in Chapter 420 et seq., Florida Statutes. Minutes of the meeting shall be kept by the designated administering entity(s).


    The committee shall annually elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and such other offices as it deems necessary. The chairperson is charged with the duty of conducting meetings in a manner consistent with law.


    Staff, administrative and facility support for the committee shall be provided jointly by the designated administrative entities of the board of county commissioners and the City of Fort Walton Beach.


    The committee shall review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local comprehensive plans of the county and city, and shall recommend specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value, and consistent with applicable law.


    Recommendations may include the modification or repeal of existing policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions. At a minimum, the committee shall make recommendation on affordable housing incentives in the following areas:


    The affordable housing definition in the appointing resolution.


    The expedited processing of permits for affordable housing projects.


    The modification of impact-fee requirements, including reduction or waiver of fees and alternative methods of fee payment.


    The allowance of increased density levels.


    The reservation of infrastructure capacity for housing for very low-income persons.


    The transfer of development rights as a financing mechanism for housing for very low-income persons and low-income persons.


    The reduction of parking and setback requirements.


    The allowance of zero-lot-line configurations.


    The modifications of sidewalk and street requirements.


    The establishment of a process by which the county and city considers, before adoption, procedures and policies that have a significant impact on the cost of housing.


    The committee recommendations shall also include other affordable housing incentives identified by the affordable housing advisory committee.


    To the maximum extent feasible, the approved affordable housing incentive recommendations submitted to the board of county commissioners must quantify the affordable housing cost reduction anticipated from implementing the specific recommendation.


    Within nine months from the adoption of this article, the committee shall make recommendations approved by a majority of its membership at a public hearing. Notice of the time, date, and place of the public hearing of the committee to adopt final affordable housing incentive recommendations shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Such notice shall contain a short and concise summary of the affordable housing incentive recommendations to be considered by the committee. The notice shall also state the public place where a copy of the tentative committee recommendations can be obtained by interested persons.

(Ord. No. 93-13, § X, 4-13-93)