§ 9.02.02. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The definitions specified in section 9.01.02 shall also apply to this section. In addition, the following definitions shall apply to this section.

    Annoy means to irritate, weary, trouble or irk.

    Clearly be heard means a noise or sound that can be detected by the human ear at 55 dBA or greater or 50 dBA or greater for impulse or pure tone noises or noises consisting of amplified speed or music measured on the property line where the noise is being detected.

    Comfort means a condition of ease or well-being.

    Community noise means noise emitted for all environmental sources except noise from an industrial workplace and may include roadway, rail and air traffic; construction activity and human activities during the course of normal daily living.

    Disturb means to throw into disorder, to move from a state of rest or regular order, or to interrupt a settled state.

    Loud noise means a noise that can be heard by a reasonable person which is in excess of 100 dBA, especially when the duration of the noise is 30 minutes or more.

    Neighboring inhabitants means those persons occupying buildings or residing in residences in the vicinity of a specific location.

    Noise means an unwanted or undesirable sound.

    Offend means to arouse anger, resentment, or indignation in a reasonable person.

    Peace means a state of tranquility.

    Person means a human being or other entity recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being.

    Premises means a lot, parcel, tract, or plot of land together and in combination with any buildings or structures thereon.

    Quiet means a condition of situation generally free of noise.

    Sound means a vibratory disturbance in the pressure and density of a fluid or in the elastic strain in a solid, with frequency in the approximate range between 20 and 20,000 hertz capable of being detected by human organs of hearing.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)