§ 8.04.00. Master signage plan.  

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  • 1.

    For any lot or parcel on which the owner proposes to erect two or more signs requiring permits, unless such lot or parcel is included in a common signage plan, the owner may submit to the department of growth management a master signage plan. The master signage plan shall be kept on file and any subsequent permits shall not be issued unless such sign is depicted on such plan. In addition, a master signage plan is required in a planned development.


    For the purposes of this section, a "planned development is an area approved for concentrated business locations characterized by a comprehensive, unified plan of development and either centralized land ownership or multiple owners or tenants, including, but not limited to shopping centers and office parks. A "planned development" includes a planned unit development (PUD) as defined in this Code, a development of regional impact (DRI), and a regional activity center (RAC), as defined in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes.


    The master signage plan shall contain the following information and meet the following criteria:


    Site plan: An accurate site plan, drawn to scale indicating the existing and proposed buildings, parking lots, driveways and landscaped areas on such lot and parcel or in such planned development.


    Area and height: Computation of the maximum total sign area, the maximum total sign area for individual signs, the height of signs and the number of freestanding signs allowed on the lot or parcel or in the planned development included in the plan under this ordinance. In commercial developments, maximum size of signs may vary based on the height and width of a storefront and distance to the viewer.


    Format: A format for all signs to be used on the lot or parcel or in the planned development, including their color, location, illumination details, lettering type, and mounting details. Signs may be located on accessory structures, such as water towers.


    Scale and proportion: Every sign shall have a good scale and proportion in its design and in its visual relationship to the other signs and buildings and the lot, parcel, or planned development, and to the surrounding development.


    Compatibility: Each sign shall be compatible with other signs on the lot or parcel or in the planned development. Each sign and the overall master signage plan shall be compatible with adjacent development.


    Integral elements: The signs in the master signage plan shall be designed as integral architectural elements of the building or buildings and the lot, parcel, or planned development to which it principally relates and shall not appear as incongruous "add-ons" or intrusions.


    Restraint and harmony: The colors, materials and lighting of every sign shall be restrained and harmonious with the building or buildings and the lot, parcel, or planned development to which it principally relates.


    Effective composition: The number of graphic elements and letters shall be held to the minimum needed to convey each sign's message and shall be composed in proportion to the area of the sign's face.


    Unified image: The effect of the signs proposed in the master signage plan shall be the establishment of a unified image for the lot, parcel, or planned development to which they principally relate.


    Future signs: An accurate indication on the site plan of the proposed location of any future sign of any type, whether requiring a permit or not as well as the location of each existing sign. Incidental signs need not be shown.


    Schedule for pre-existing signs: Master signage plans being submitted for lots or parcels or planned developments containing signage prior to the effective date of these provisions shall contain the above information, as well as a schedule for bringing into conformance within seven years, all signs not conforming to the proposed plan or to the requirements of this ordinance in effect on the date of submission.


    Directory signs in planned developments: Planned developments may have common directory signs to guide pedestrians to individual businesses on the site. The number, location, and size of directory signs shall be established in the master signage plan.


    Identification signs in planned developments: In addition to the other signs permitted herein, a planned development may have one primary identification sign for each street frontage plus one secondary identification sign at each entrance from an access road. The number and locations of the signs shall be established in the master signage plan and are subject to the following additional criteria:


    Both primary and secondary identification signs may include the name and graphic logo of the planned development, the address of the planned development, and a time and/or temperature sign. In addition, one identification sign may include a reader board, and one identification sign may include a street-side theater marquee. Identification signs shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the property line, and shall be located so that they do not obstruct the vision of pedestrians, cyclists, or motorists traveling on or entering the streets adjoining the site; except that signs for subdivisions and for planned developments, as defined in this section, may be located in the median where the entrance street is divided as approved by the county public works department.


    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the maximum area of the primary sign structures in planned developments shall be 400 square feet per side for up to a four-sided structure, with a maximum height of 35 feet. The sign structure may include a tower, logo, and roof element designed to create a unique sign statement. The maximum permitted sign face area, consisting of copy, logo, and/or logotype (excluding a reader board or theater marquees) shall be 160 square feet per side. Otherwise, primary identification signs shall conform to parameters established in the master signage plan.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, the maximum area of the secondary sign structures in planned developments shall be 200 square feet for up to a four-sided structure, to a maximum height of 25 feet. The sign structure may include a tower, logo, and roof element designed to create a unique sign statement. The maximum permitted sign face area, consisting of copy, logo, and/or logotype (excluding a reader board or theater marquees) shall be 80 square feet per side. Otherwise, secondary identification signs shall conform to parameters established in the master signage plan.

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)