§ 4.02.01. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • As a minimum, at least one of the following standards will be met prior to development authorization:


    The necessary facilities and services are in place at the time development authorization is issued; or


    Development authorization is issued subject to the conditions that the necessary facilities and services will be in place when the impacts of the development occur; or


    The necessary facilities are in place or under construction at the time development authorization is issued, or in the first three years after issuance of a development order as provided in the adopted five-year schedule of capital improvements or included in the first three years of the adopted FDOT five-year work program of the CIE or TIP, or an agreement is made between the county and property owner to construct improvements; or


    The necessary facilities and services are the subject of a binding executed contract for the construction of the facilities or the provision of services at the time development authorization is issued. (Note: This provision only relates to parks and recreation facilities and roadways.)

(Ord. No. 11-01, § 2, 1-18-11)