§ 10. Correction of errors and omissions.  

Latest version.
  • (A)

    No act of error or omission on the part of the board, county staff or the clerk, or their respective deputies or employees, shall operate to release or discharge any obligation for payment of any assessment imposed by the board under the provisions of this ordinance.


    The number of benefited units attributed to a parcel of real property may be corrected at any time by the county. Any such correction which reduces an assessment shall be considered valid from the date on which the assessment was imposed and shall in no way affect the enforcement of the assessment imposed under the provisions of this ordinance. Any such correction which increases an assessment or imposes an assessment on omitted real property shall first require notice to the affected owner in the manner described herein, providing the date, time and place that the board will consider confirming the correction and offering the owner an opportunity to be heard.

( Ord. No. 16-09 , § 10, 7-19-16)